Suspension of terms and other special measures ordered by Administrative and Judicial Authorities in Panama

We hereby communicate the suspension of terms and other special measures adopted by administrative and judicial authorities in the Republico f Panama, due to the situation that our country is going through due to the health crisis related to the COVID-19 virus pandemic.


Ministry of Labor

Through Resolution No. DM-131-2020 of Thursday, March 12, 2020, updated through Resolution No. DM-126-2020 of March 16, 2020, which extends the validity of work permits for foreign workers, which expired on March 12, 2020, for a period of fifteen (15) business days.

The Conciliation and Decision Boards of the Ministry of Labor, through Resolution No.DM-134 of March 13, 2020, suspend the judicial terms, from March 16, 2020 to March 30, 2020, it should be noted that this measure may be renewable.

National Migration Service

Through Resolution No. 5737 of March 13, 2020, it extends the residence permits of foreigners, which expired to date, for a period of 15 business days.

National Authority of Public Services

Through Resolution AN No.1072 ADM of March 13, 2020, by which the suspension of the terms is ordered in all the administrative processes that are processed at this institution.

Panama Tax Authority (Ministry of Economy and Finance)

By Resolution No. 201-2270 of March 16, 2020, the suspension of the administrative terms is ordered, from March 16 to April 3, 2020, renewable term.

Superintendence of Banks of Panama

Through General Resolution No. SBPRG-0001-2020 of March 18, 2020, the suspension of the procedural and administrative terms is ordered from eight in the morning (8:00 am) on Thursday, March 19, 2020 for 15 working days (renewable perior) and without this implying the closure of the Superintendence of Banks, nor the suspension of work. The course of active files will normally continue its internal process.

Additionally, it was established that whoever that considers it necessary to present an Administrative Complaint or Claim, or for some reason of very high relevance, considers it necessary to visit the Superintendency, will have to request an APPOINTMENT (without exception) to the Customer Service System. Claims (SAC).  In the case of claims to the phone: 506-7954 and to the Management of Administrative Procedural Procedures; and for cases of Administrative Complaints, to the phones: 506-7854 and 506-7902.

Stock Market Superintendence

Through General Resolution SMV No. JD-2-20 of March 16, 2020, issued by the Board of Directors, the following measures were adopted, among others:

  1. To extend until April 30, 2020 the period for the delivery of information by those regulated bodies, including registered issuers, whose original delivery date expires within the months of March and April 2020.
  2. These reports must only be delivered electronically, through the Electronic System for the Remission of Information (SERI).
  3. Those reports that the current Agreements determine their physical delivery to the Superintendency must be scanned and sent in PDF format, by email to; therefore, it will not be necessary to physically deliver it to the offices of this Administrative Authority.
  4. To suspend the terms for two (2) extendable weeks, starting on March 17, 2020, in all the sanctioning administrative procedures that are carried out.

Superintendency of Insurance and Reinsurance

It was ordered to temporarily suspend from March 17 to March 31, 2020 the terms of all administrative complaint processes at this Superintendency, including all the actions that derived from them. (This term will be subject to an extension).

By Resolution No. DG-SSRP-011 of March 19, 2020, it was approved to extend until May 31, 2020 the term for the delivery of information by those regulated bodies, both licensed by or registered at the Superintendency, whose original delivery dates expire in March and April 2020.

Transit and Transport Authority

From March 17 to 31, 2020, the suspension of the terms is ordered in the Traffic Courts nationwide, therefore, all hearings are suspended during the quoted period.

As of 16th March, all driver’s licenses with an expiration date of March 2020, are granted an extension in their validity until April 30, 2020.

Electoral Tribune

Through Decree 6 of March 11, 2020, extended the validity of all the expired certificates (and of those about to expire until April 15, 2020), as well as the carnet carried by foreigners with permanent residence in Panama.

Furthermore, by Decree 9 of March 18, 2020, promulgated in Electoral Bulletin 4677, all the terms in the administrative, electoral and jurisdictional processes and procedures were suspended in the Electoral Court offices.

The Decree adds that all scheduled hearings, public acts and other administrative or judicial proceedings must be rescheduled by the corresponding entity in a term not exceeding two (2) months, once the suspension of terms decreed is lifted.


By Agreement No. 146 of March 13, 2020, the Supreme Court of Justice decreed the suspension of judicial terms in the Republico f Panama, by virtue of the announcement of the Executive Body of a declaration of national emergency due to a health crisis, following the declared pandemic by the World Health Organization, caused by COVID-19.

In this sense, the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice decreed the suspension of the judicial terms, for two weeks, extendable, starting on Monday, March 16, 2020, without implying the closure of the judicial offices.

Furthermore, Judges are requested that all hearings that have been set during this period, must be rescheduled shortly, not to exceed this year, in addition to being communicated to the interested parties.

The protocol of action of the Judicial Offices of the First, Second and Third Judicial Circuit of the First Judicial District was also approved, for the attention of hearings of the Accusatory Criminal System of the country, in view of the existence of COVID-19 in the Republic of Panama.

The protocol contains some containment measures, including: keeping a minimum number of people in common areas within judicial facilities; request the transfer of the detainees only to the hearings that by law require their presence in the act; among other security, health, and management measures in carrying out the different acts of hearings, which are detailed in Agreement No. 146.