Ministry of Health establishes new regulations for passengers entering the country

The Ministry of Health issued a resolution establishing sanitary measures for passengers entering Panama during the state of national emergency.
They must also sign an acceptance in the affidavit committing themselves to comply with the sanitary control measures and health protocols established by the National Government, and use the application to monitor the appearance of symptoms and confirmation of quarantine. They must also provide the landline of the residence where they will quarantine.
Technical, auxiliary, mechanical crews and humanitarian personnel are exempt from this provision, but they must use a mask and other biosecurity measures established by the Ministry of Health.
Any request for authorization of commercial flights must be submitted 20 days prior to arrival.
Applications for the entry of humanitarian flights that must be authorized by the Ministry of Health must be submitted five days prior to arrival, unless there are medical urgency reasons.
Flights to transport products, hospital medical equipment, drugs, vaccines and other public health supplies will not require authorization from the ministry.
Requests for private flights must be submitted seven days in advance.
The crew of commercial, private or humanitarian transport flights may remain in the country for a maximum period of 24 hours.
The departure of people from the country will not require authorization from the Ministry of Health.
The resolution took effect this past Monday, August 17th, 2020.
Access the Resolution by clicking here.