The BVI and cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency has become attractive in those structures which use an international business company “IBC” as part of its operations. Currently in the […]
With the enactment of Executive Decree No. 151 of June 16, 2020, which regulates Law No. 31 of June 18, 2010, which establishes the Horizontal Property […]
Summa Magazine recently issued a special on Central America and the Dominican Republic’s top law firms. Please access the magazine in the following link:
The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) with the support of the Investment Attraction and Export Promotion Agency of Panama (PROPANAMA) organized ExpoNegocios […]
Our Associate, Luis Miguel Rojer, recently contributed with the ‘Doing Business in Panama’ chapter for Legal500. The Legal 500 is part of a traditional private business, […]
With more than 100 years of experience and reasonable and competitive fees, Panama has an open Ship Registry that has innumerable advantages. Some of these advantages […]