LPS China Magazine interviews us about our incursion into the Asian market

We extend our sincere thanks to LPS for the interview published in its Spring 2023 edition, about our firm and our representative office in Hong Kong, V. I. SERVICES & SOLUTIONS LIMITED, from where we serve our clientele located mainly in the Asian continent.

During the interview with our Partner, Jaime Sanchez, we were able to highlight the years of having ventured into the Asian market, by establishing a representative office in Hong Kong, so that our clients can be served in the same time zone and in their own language.  Likewise, the establishment of a night shift at our headquarters in the Republic of Panama, which works in parallel with our representative office, to maintain an expeditious and quality service.

Furthermore, LPS highlighted our estate planning services as well as immigration options and investment opportunities for Chinese individuals, which are handled by a multicultural and multilingual workforce, ensuring the satisfaction of our demanding clientele.

The complete interview can be read from page 10 to 14 of the Spring Edition, in the following link: https://www.lps-china.com/3d-flip-book/2023-lps-maserati-beijing-magazine-spring-edition/

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