3rd Annual Convention 2023 of Business between Managers and Horizontal Property Providers

Recently our Partner, Jaime Paz Rodriguez and our Associate, Karina Castillo, had the opportunity to participate in the 3rd Annual Convention 2023 of Business between Managers and Horizontal Property Providers

A space that is made possible, accompanied by the best brands in the market and therefore today are present in an unprecedented event to make “Real Business” and interact with the Management Companies and Independent Administrators that make up the new Guild of P.H.

A Convention that counted with more than 250 Administration Companies, Independent Administrators and the Members of the most important Boards of Directors of the country to create synergy between the guilds.

This dynamic allowed both Providers and Promoters, to make Alliances and Business (Networking), through a commercial showcase during the Convention to interact “FACE to FACE” and MAKE REAL BUSINESS.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and get more information about the range of services we can offer to Horizontal Property Administrations.

Contact us at quijano@quijano.com.